Monday, 28 May 2012

Work on our Stanley's new garage is well advanced now - 90" clearance under the roof beams so the car will fit in with the hood up and 6" to spare. We went for a wooden garage partly because it will be better for storing the car (more museum storage experience drawn upon here, plus advice from other Stanley owners).

The garage is as wide as the planning authorities would permit; it will take the car plus 3' working space all around.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Pulling together a checklist for starting, running & putting away the car. The combination of google documents and the Steam Car Club of Great Britain Forum gathered many helpful commencts from experienced Stanley owners in the US.
Now that I have been 'retired' work on our Stanley has restarted with the help of some redundancy money. A new garage is being built for her, and she is due back at Stanley experts J R Goold Vintage Steam Restorations for comissioning in the summer.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Watch this space....

If anoyone wonders why there have been no posts of late, blame 'We're all in it together Dave' and his chums. Comissioning the Stanley suspended due to imminent restructuring redundancies at work. Should know by the Autumn if we have to sell it on.

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Lots of them on the car, must make sure I know what all of them do....including the one on the steering columner, those under the front the floorboards, under the driver's seat, under the bonnet, at the front of the car, at the driver's side of the car, and underneath the car.....

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Instruction Number One.....

Is Read the Instructions - so copies of Stanley Manuals are on order from the Steam Automobile Club of America online store.

Meanwhile still trying to source Hexane.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Rain or Shine

Been speaking about getting  a new  hood frame and hood made  for the car, any open car in a UK summer will need one sooner or later.....the original hood had vanished by 1950.