Been neglecting the Stanley's Blog. Nothing much to report at the moment; after 2015 tours in the Cotswolds and Isle of Wight, plus a showing at the Prescott Autumn Classic in October 2015, the car has been tucked up in its garage waiting for the spring. Apart from checking over the pump packings and repacking the front bypass valve, all that is needed for the 2016 season is a little touching up of som damaged paintwork on the right hand front wheel.
Phone call from David Nightingale the Coach Trimmer this morning, the new hood for the Stanley is done bar some nailing on the front bow, and work is proceeding on the tonneau cover. Perhaps we will be ready for the Veteran Car Club event at Cirencester at the end of June.
The car is now at David Nightingale Coachtrimmng for a new hood and a tonneau cover. The hood was missing when we bought the car, so its being reconstructed from photographs and measurements of sister cars. Tonneau covers were not originally fitted, but we need one to keep the car interior clean when its on the trailer or parked up at events.
Here is the car in David's workshops with the new top bows set up.
Stanley is now atDavid Nightingale Coachtrimming for the new hood to be made and fitted. David will also make a tonneau cover for the car - not an original fitting, but needed to protect the interior when being trailed. The new hood will be based on those fitted to sister cars; much of the detail has been taken from Stanley #7717, a very original car, whose owner has kindly allowed access for measuring and photography. Its hood fabric has been replaced, but all other hood fittings, including side screens, are original.